5 Tips To Choose The Right Outfit For Your Family Photography Session

You’ve decided to have a portrait experience for your family, amazing!! While there are a few things to think about when planning your session, one big thing to consider is what to wear.

The right clothes will let you fall in love with your family photos even more.

Here are 5 helpful tips to choose the perfect clothes for your family portrait experience.

Choose your outfit first!
Choose what you’d love to wear and then build the rest of the outfits for your family from there.

1. Keep it simple and solid

Stay away from busy patterns, distracting logos and kids characters. Accessories like scarves, hats and wraps are good but don’t overdo it! Your photo session is about your family, so anything that distracts from your faces should be left at home.


2. Wear a dress or a skirt

If a dress or skirt suits your style, it’s an awesome option. My photo sessions are a lot of fun and usually involve a bit of movement if we are outside. Wearing a dress lets you be active while looking great and adding to the moments photographed.


3. Choose clothes that flatter your body shape

You know what fitted clothing looks good on you so stick with that! Try to avoid outfits that might make you look bigger if a gust of wind comes.

Freshwater Family Photo.jpg

4. Stick to a colour palette

Choose 2 - 3 colours that work well together, and then have darker or lighter variations of those colours. Don’t match each other in the exact same colour (eg. white t-shirts and jeans). Consider the colour palette in your home right now, as some of these photographs will make it to the wall and you’ll love them even more if they fit the style of the room!


5. Take it up a notch

Dressing in nicer fabrics makes a big difference over your standard t-shirt material. Try to buy everyone’s outfits at the same store or by the same brand. Your artwork will be cherished by your family for generations so treat yourself to a nice new outfit!

I’ve got a Pinterest Board made up to get your inspiration started!